artist: vasily vereshchagin
date: 1869-1870
medium: Technique Oil Canvas
dimensions: Size cm 71.6 47.2
current location: Institution:Tretyakov Gallery
source: Yorck
credit: The Yorck Project () 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei (DVD-ROM), distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. ISBN: 3936122202.
license:Public domain
artist: vasily vereshchagin
date: 1873
current location: Institution:Tretyakov Gallery
source: link
credit: link
license:Public domain
artist: vasily vereshchagin
date: 1873
current location: Institution:Tretyakov Gallery
source: link
credit: link
description: Officer of a Line-battalion in white Kitel (also Gymnastyorka) and red wide breeches’’ (Imperial Russian Army in the Turkestan military region). By V.V. vereshchagin «Turkistan officer, persists without any movement»; 1873; State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.
license:Public domain
artist: vasily vereshchagin
medium: Бумага, графитный карандаш, акварель
dimensions: 14х22 см.
current location: Государственная Третьяковская Галерея
source: Русская графика от А до Я. М.:СЛОВО, 2002. С. 52
credit: Русская графика от А до Я. М.:СЛОВО, 2002. С. 52
license:Public domain
artist: vasily vereshchagin
date: 1871
medium: technique oil canvas
dimensions: size cm height=127 width=197
current location: room|27 Institution:Tretyakov Gallery
source: From Google Cultural Institute|RAHHXrpeZGsYyw
credit: RAHHXrpeZGsYyw at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum
license:Public domain
artist: vasily vereshchagin
medium: Oil on canvas .
dimensions: Size cm 155.5 129 , 61 1/4 by 50 3/4 in.
source: Sotheby's: link
credit: Sotheby's: link
license:Public domain
artist: vasily vereshchagin
date: from 1878 until 1879
medium: technique oil canvas
dimensions: 71 7/8 x 119 1/8 x 2 1/4 in. (182.6 x 302.6 x 5.7 cm)Frame: 79 3/8 x 127 3/8 in. (201.6 x 323.5 cm)
current location: Brooklyn Museum
credit: tAHo6E8N_Yb7yg at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level
license:Public domain
artist: vasily vereshchagin
source: Brooklyn Museum
credit: Brooklyn Museum
description: vasily vereshchagin (Russian, 1842-1904). The Road of the War Prisoners, 1878-1879. Oil on canvas, 71 1/4 x 117 11/16 x 2 1/4 in. (181 x 298.9 x 5.7 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Lilla Brown in memory of her husband John W. Brown , 06.46
license:No restrictions
artist: vasily vereshchagin
date: 1887
medium: Technique oil canvas
dimensions: Size cm 294.6 396.2
source: christies online|ID=5509962|sale=8003|lot=41, London, 28 November 2011
credit: Christie's, LotFinder: entry 5509962 (sale 8003, lot 41, London, 28 November 2011)
license:Public domain
artist: vasily vereshchagin
date: Possibly 1887-1888
medium: Technique oil canvas mounted=panel
dimensions: Size cm 17 20.5
source: 1. [link]
2. [link Sotheby's, London, 25 November 2008, lot 437]
credit: 1.
2. Sotheby's, London, 25 November 2008, lot 437
license:Public domain