artist: Théodore Géricault
date: circa 1819 /1822
medium: technique painting
current location: Institution:Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon LangSwitch
source: own , u|Rama Consulter cette image en [link très haute définition (+1 milliard de pixels)] Autorisation de Gilles Alonso
credit: Own work, Rama Consulter cette image en très haute définition (+1 milliard de pixels) Autorisation de Gilles Alonso
license:Public domain
date: 1818
medium: technique lithograph
dimensions: Sheet: 42.2 x 50 cm (16 5/8 x 19 11/16 in.); Image: 35.2 x 41.8 cm (13 7/8 x 16 7/16 in.)
current location: institution:Cleveland Museum of Art
source: link
credit: link
artist: Théodore gericault
date: 1823
medium: lithograph on papier mince
current location: Institution:National Gallery of Art
source: link Template:NGADC
credit: This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the National Gallery of Art. Please see the Gallery's Open Access Policy.
artist: Théodore Géricault
source: link
credit: link
license:Public domain
artist: Théodore Géricault
date: between 1818 and 1819
medium: technique oil canvas
dimensions: size cm 56 46
current location: Institution:Musée Ingres-Bourdelle Premier étage - La salle des romantiques
source: own
license:Public domain
artist: Théodore Géricault
date: circa 1819 /1822
medium: technique painting
current location: Institution:Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon LangSwitch
source: [link] (downloaded with [link dezoomify-rs])
credit: (downloaded with dezoomify-rs)
license:Public domain