artist: theo van doesburg
date: Circa 1 June 1915
medium: ucfirst: technique ink paper
dimensions: size cm height=15 width=10
current location: institution:Centraal Museum
source: : [link Home] : [link Info] : [link Pic]
credit: : Home : Info : Pic
license:Public domain
artist: theo van doesburg
date: late 1916 -early 1917 (?)
medium: Technique Stained glass
dimensions: size cm height=47 width=27
current location: Institution:Kröller-Müller Museum
source: postcard
credit: postcard
license:Public domain
date: 1923
source: See above. Transferred from [link nl.wikipedia]; transfered to Commons by [[User:GijsvdL]] using [link CommonsHelper].
credit: See above.
description: Theo van Doesburg">nl:Theo van Doesburg. Ontwikkelingstentoonstelling in Weimar. nl:1923. Foto. Afkomstig uit De Stijl, 6e jaargang, nummer 6/7 (1924): ill. tussen p. 84 en 85.
Op deze foto zijn te zien, v.l.n.r., de schilderijen:
license:Public domain
artist: theo van doesburg
date: 1925
medium: LangSwitch en=Pencil and Indian ink on green transparent paper nl=Potlood en Oost-Indische inkt op groen transparant papier .
dimensions: Size cm height=33 width=38
current location: archief van doesburg Institution:Netherlands Architecture Institute
source: : [link Home] : [link Info] : [link Pic]
credit: : Home : Info : Pic
license:Public domain
artist: theo van doesburg
date: 1924
medium: Technique pencil and=gouache paper mounted=cardboard
dimensions: size cm height=11.5 width=12
current location: Institution:Kröller-Müller Museum
source: KMMonline |page=6938 |as=''Studie voor Contra-compositie VII'', 1924
credit: Kröller-Müller Museum online catalogue, as Studie voor Contra-compositie VII, 1924.
license:Public domain
artist: theo van doesburg
date: 1923
medium: Technique gouache and=heliography paper
dimensions: Size cm height=57.2 width=57
current location: Institution:Kröller-Müller Museum
source: : [link Home] : [link Info] : [link Pic]
credit: : Home : Info : Pic
license:Public domain
artist: theo van doesburg
date: Circa 1904
medium: Ucfirst: technique pencil and=watercolor colorand=brown paper
dimensions: Size cm height=10 width=7.5
current location: Institution:Centraal Museum
source: : [link Home] : [link Info] : [link Pic]
credit: : Home : Info : Pic
license:Public domain
artist: theo van doesburg
date: Circa 1906
medium: Ucfirst: technique pencil and=watercolor colorand=brown and2=ink paper
dimensions: Size cm height=10.5 width=10.5
current location: Institution:Centraal Museum
source: : [link Home] : [link Info] : [link Pic]
credit: : Home : Info : Pic
license:Public domain
artist: theo van doesburg
date: 1906
medium: Ucfirst: technique pencil and=watercolor colorand=brown and2=pastel paper
dimensions: Size cm height=22 width=12.5
current location: Institution:Centraal Museum
source: : [link Home] : [link Info] : [link Pic]
credit: : Home : Info : Pic
license:Public domain
artist: theo van doesburg
date: 1907
source: link
credit: link
license:Public domain