• tang yin - image 11

    title: Sound of Pines on a Mountain Path

    artist: tang yin

    date: 1516

    date QS:P571,+1516-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Technique ink and=colors silk

    dimensions: Size cm height=194.5 width=102.8

    current location: Institution:National Palace Museum

    source: transferred from|zh.wikipedia|Shizhao|CommonsHelper Original uploader was [[:zh:User:Wiseworm|Wiseworm]] at [link zh.wikipedia]

    credit: Transferred from zh.wikipedia to Commons by Shizhao using CommonsHelper. Original uploader was Wiseworm at zh.wikipedia

  • tang yin - image 22

    title: Tao Gu Presents a Poem by Tang Yin

    artist: tang yin

    date: 12 January 2012

    source: link

    credit: link

    description: Details of painting, Tao Gu Presents a Poem, ca. 1515, by tang yin (1470-1523) Ming Dynasty.

  • tang yin - image 33

    title: The Moon Goddess Chang E Unidentified artist, after Tang Yin

    artist: Unknown artist, after tang yin (1470–1524)

    date: Ming dynasty (1368–1644)

    medium: Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper

    dimensions: '''Image:''' 53 5/8 x 23 1/8 inch (136.2 x 58.7 cm) <br/> '''Overall with mounting:''' 109 1/4 x 30 1/4 inch (277.5 x 76.8 cm) <br/> '''Overall with knobs:''' 109 1/4 x 34 inch (277.5 x 86.4 cm)

    current location: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

    source: [link The Moon Goddess Chang E]. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

    credit: The Moon Goddess Chang E. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

  • tang yin - image 44

    title: Bird by Tang Yin

    artist: tang yin

    current location: Institution:Shanghai Museum

    source: link

    credit: link

  • tang yin - image 55

    title: Tang Yin Drinking at Night - 1955.761 - Art Institute of Chicago

    artist: tang yin

    date: between 1520 and 1523

    date QS:P,+1520-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P1319,+1520-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1523-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
     Edit this at Wikidata

    source: link

    credit: link

  • tang yin - image 66

    title: Tang Yin The Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion - 1941.1021 - Art Institute of Chicago

    artist: tang yin

    date: 1483 Edit this at Wikidata

    source: link

    credit: link

  • tang yin - image 77

    title: Tang Yin Mount Hua - 1969.116 - Cleveland Museum of Art.

    artist: tang yin

    date: 1506 Edit this at Wikidata

    source: link

    credit: link

  • tang yin - image 88

    title: Tang Yin Farewell at the Bridge of the Hanging Rainbow - 1989.363.53 - Metropolitan Museum of Art

    artist: tang yin

    date: 1508

    credit: Metropolitan Museum of Art Edit this at Structured Data on Commons

  • tang yin - image 99

    title: Tang Yin Ink Bamboo - 1989.363.54 - Metropolitan Museum of Art

    artist: tang yin

    date: between 1470 and 1524

    date QS:P,+1500-00-00T00:00:00Z/6,P1319,+1470-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1524-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
     Edit this at Wikidata

    credit: Metropolitan Museum of Art Edit this at Structured Data on Commons

  • tang yin - image 10

    title: Tang Yin Gazing at a Waterfall - 1982.7.2 - Metropolitan Museum of Art

    artist: tang yin

    date: between 1470 and 1524

    date QS:P,+1500-00-00T00:00:00Z/6,P1319,+1470-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1524-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
     Edit this at Wikidata

    credit: Metropolitan Museum of Art Edit this at Structured Data on Commons

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