• sesshu toyo - image 11

    title: Sesshu Haboku-Sansui - complete


    Sesshū Tōyō (1420–1506)

    date: 1495

    date QS:P571,+1495-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Technique ink paper

    dimensions: size cm 148.6 32.7

    current location: Institution:Tokyo National Museum Tokyo, Japan

    source: [link Emuseum]

    credit: Emuseum

  • sesshu toyo - image 22

    title: Landscape of the Four Seasons (Autumn) by Sesshu


    Sesshū Tōyō (1420-1506)

    date: 30 May 2014, 22:23:38

    source: link

    credit: link

    description: Landscape of the Four Seasons by sesshu, Ishibashi Museum of Art, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan

  • sesshu toyo - image 33

    title: Landscape of the Four Seasons (Spring) by Sesshu


    Sesshū Tōyō (1420-1506)

    date: 30 May 2014, 22:20:47

    source: link

    credit: link

    description: Landscape of the Four Seasons by sesshu, Ishibashi Museum of Art, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan

  • sesshu toyo - image 44

    title: Landscape by Sesshu (Ohara)

    artist: Sesshū Tōyō

    date: Muromachi period (1337-1573)

    source: sesshu: Master of Ink and Brush (500th Anniversary Exhibition) Mainichi Newspapers 2002

    credit: sesshu: Master of Ink and Brush (500th Anniversary Exhibition) Mainichi Newspapers 2002

    description: Landscape by sesshu, private collection (Ohara), Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan

  • sesshu toyo - image 55

    title: Jurojin beneath a plum tree by Sesshu (Tokyo National Museum)


    Sesshū Tōyō (1420-1506)

    date: Muromachi period (1337-1573)

    source: link

    credit: link

    description: Jurojin beneath a plum tree by sesshu, Tokyo National Museum

  • sesshu toyo - image 66

    title: Ox herd after Li Tang by Sesshu (Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art)2


    Sesshū Tōyō (1420-1506)

    date: Muromachi period (1337-1573)

    source: sesshu: Master of Ink and Brush (500th Anniversary Exhibition) Mainichi Newspapers 2002

    credit: sesshu: Master of Ink and Brush (500th Anniversary Exhibition) Mainichi Newspapers 2002

    description: Ox herd after Li Tang by sesshu, Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum

  • sesshu toyo - image 77

    title: Yuima by Sesshu (slightly cropped to right inc signature)


    Sesshū Tōyō (1420-1506)

    date: Muromachi period (1337-1573)

    source: sesshu: Master of Ink and Brush (500th Anniversary Exhibition) Mainichi Newspapers 2002

    credit: sesshu: Master of Ink and Brush (500th Anniversary Exhibition) Mainichi Newspapers 2002

    description: Yuima by sesshu, private collection (image slightly cropped to the right, including the area with seal and signature)

  • sesshu toyo - image 88

    title: Birds and Flowers Sesshu attrib (Cleveland)2


    Sesshū Tōyō (1420-1506) (attrib.)

    date: Muromachi period (1337-1573)

    source: link

    credit: link

    description: Birds and Flowers attributed to sesshu, Cleveland Museum of Art

  • sesshu toyo - image 99

    title: Sesshu attributed to Sesshu (Yamato Bunkakan)


    Sesshū Tōyō (1420-1506) (attrib.)

    date: Muromachi period (1337-1573)

    source: sesshu: Master of Ink and Brush (500th Anniversary Exhibition) Mainichi Newspapers 2002

    credit: sesshu: Master of Ink and Brush (500th Anniversary Exhibition) Mainichi Newspapers 2002

    description: Portrait of sesshu attributed to sesshu, Yamato Bunkakan, Nara

  • sesshu toyo - image 10

    title: Sesshū Tōyō Bird and Bamboo - 14.76.8 - Metropolitan Museum of Art

    artist: Sesshū Tōyō

    date: between 1420 and 1506

    date QS:P,+1500-00-00T00:00:00Z/6,P1319,+1420-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1506-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
     Edit this at Wikidata

    credit: Metropolitan Museum of Art Edit this at Structured Data on Commons

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