artist: raphael
date: 1511
medium: Technique Oil poplar
dimensions: size cm 108.7 81
current location: Institution:National Gallery, London
source: [link National Gallery, London] ImageNote|id=1|x=2009|y=732|w=363|h=616|dimx=3110|dimy=4226|style=2 info : "Della Rovere" in italian means "of Oak tree" in english. ImageNoteEnd|id=1 VI|[[:Category:Julius II portrait by Raffaello sanzio|Julius II portrait by Raffaello sanzio]]|00:13, 24 July 2011 (UTC)| subpage=Pope Julius II.jpg Assessments|enwiki=1|enwiki-nom=Pope Julius II Picture of week on the Czech Wikipedia|týden-en=48th |týden=48 |rok=2018
credit: National Gallery, London
license:Public domain
artist: raphael
dimensions: size cm
current location: <!-- location within the gallery/museum --> Institution:Louvre
source: [link]
license:Public domain
artist: raphael
date: 1511
medium: fresco
source: Stitched together from [link]
credit: Stitched together from
license:Public domain
artist: raphael
date: from 1505 until 1506
medium: technique Oil panel
dimensions: size cm height=107 width=77
current location: raphael and Andrea del Sarto Institution:Uffizi
source: From Google Cultural Institute|oAFhnMjj7HippQ
credit: oAFhnMjj7HippQ at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum
license:Public domain
artist: raphael
date: 1500-1520
dimensions: size cm 68 48.7
current location: Institution:Louvre Paris
source: Based on [[:File:La Vierge au voile, by Raffaello sanzio, from C2RMF.jpg]], originally: From C2RMF|HD7
credit: Based on File:La Vierge au voile, by Raffaello sanzio, from C2RMF.jpg, originally: C2RMF: Galerie de tableaux en très haute définition: image page
license:Public domain
artist: raphael
date: 1518
medium: en 1=Oil transferred from wood to canvas
dimensions: size cm 268 160
current location: Institution:Louvre <!--within the institution-->
source: Retouched from [[:File:Le Grand Saint Michel, by Raffaello sanzio, from C2RMF.jpg]], originally From C2RMF|HD14
credit: Retouched from File:Le Grand Saint Michel, by Raffaello sanzio, from C2RMF.jpg, originally C2RMF: Galerie de tableaux en très haute définition: image page
license:Public domain
artist: raphael
date: Probably Winter 1514–1515
medium: Oil on canvas
dimensions: size cm height=82 width=67
current location: Institution:Louvre louvre location|room ID=453|object department=paintings
source: Photographed by Elsa Lambert of C2RMF on 2010-06-23, retouched from [[:File:Balthazar Castiglione, by Raffaello sanzio, from C2RMF.jpg]], originally From C2RMF|LAE5953
credit: Photographed by Elsa Lambert of C2RMF on 2010-06-23, retouched from File:Balthazar Castiglione, by Raffaello sanzio, from C2RMF.jpg, originally C2RMF: Galerie de tableaux en très haute définition: image page
license:Public domain
artist: raphael
date: 1519, photographed 2010-09-30
medium: Technique oil canvas
dimensions: size cm 99 83
current location: :Museum:Louvre
source: Retouched from [[:File:Portrait de l'artiste avec un ami, by Raffaello sanzio, from C2RMF retouched.jpg]], originally From C2RMF|LAE6172
credit: Retouched from File:Portrait de l'artiste avec un ami, by Raffaello sanzio, from C2RMF retouched.jpg, originally C2RMF: Galerie de tableaux en très haute définition: image page
license:Public domain
artist: raphael
date: 29 September 2011, 13:32
medium: Fresco
current location: Institution:Palazzi Vaticani, Rome Label|Q9292247
source: [[User:Jean-Pol GRANDMONT|Jean-Pol GRANDMONT]]
credit: Jean-Pol GRANDMONT
license:Public domain
artist: raphael
date: circa 1515
medium: oil on panel
dimensions: w438 x h597 cm
current location: National Gallery of Art, Washington DC
credit: 1wFXbRHFG363BA at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level
license:Public domain