artist: Piero del pollaiolo
source: Originally from [link en.wikipedia]
credit: Originally from en.wikipedia
license:Public domain
artist: Piero del pollaiolo
date: from 1470 until
dimensions: size cm 168 90.5
current location: Institution:Uffizi
source: [link]
credit: [1]
license:Public domain
artist: Piero del pollaiolo
source: [link]
credit: [1]
license:Public domain
artist: Piero del pollaiolo
dimensions: size unit=cm height=168 width=90.5
source: [link]
credit: [1]
license:Public domain
artist: Piero del pollaiolo
date: 1465
dimensions: size cm height=52.5 width=36.50 rechter Rand beschnitten
source: From Google Cultural Institute|PQEa2M3YbdqfcA Assessments|enwiki=1|enwiki-nom=Profile Portrait of a Lady
credit: PQEa2M3YbdqfcA at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum
license:Public domain
artist: Piero del pollaiolo
date: 1470
source: From Google Cultural Institute|WgEz8Hc186HlQQ
credit: WgEz8Hc186HlQQ at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum
license:Public domain
artist: Sandro Botticelli
date: circa 1471
medium: Tempera on panel
dimensions: size unit=cm height=168 width=90.5 (each)
current location: Institution:Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
source: own
credit: Own work
license:Public domain
artist: Antonio del pollaiolo
source: scan from Alison Wright, The pollaiolo Brothers, p. 175
credit: scan from Alison Wright, The pollaiolo Brothers, p. 175
license:Public domain
artist: Piero del pollaiolo
dimensions: size unit=cm height=168 width=90.5
source: scan from Alison Wright, The pollaiolo Brothers, p. 234
credit: scan from Alison Wright, The pollaiolo Brothers, p. 234
license:Public domain
artist: Piero del pollaiolo
date: from 1469 until 1472
medium: Tempera on panel
dimensions: size unit=cm height=168 width=90.5
current location: Institution:Uffizi
source: scan from Alison Wright, The pollaiolo Brothers, p. 234
credit: scan from Alison Wright, The pollaiolo Brothers, p. 234
license:Public domain