artist: Unknown author
date: between 1889 and 1890
source: [link Popular Science Monthly Volume 36]
credit: Popular Science Monthly Volume 36
description: Cabbage palms in the savannah of Cayenne
license:Public domain
artist: Unknown author
date: between 1901 and 1902
source: [link Popular Science Monthly Volume 60]
credit: Popular Science Monthly Volume 60
description: Avenue of royal palms at the Rio de Janeiro botanical gardens
license:Public domain
artist: Unknown author
date: between 1901 and 1902
source: [link Popular Science Monthly Volume 60]
credit: Popular Science Monthly Volume 60
description: Carnauba palms on the paraguay river
license:Public domain
artist: Marie-Lan Nguyen (User:Jastrow), 2007
date: 2007-07-28
source: Commons:File:Prisoners Nineveh BM WA124953-5.jpg
credit: Commons:File:Prisoners Nineveh BM WA124953-5.jpg
description: Detail of: prisoners being marched through groves of date-palms to Assyrian headquarters. Stone, Assyria artwork, ca. 640-620 BC. From the South-West Palace in Nineveh, room XXVIII, panels 7-9.
license:CC BY-SA 2.5
date: 1885
credit: PgGB34Or82p_fw at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum
license:Public domain
date: circa 1903
medium: oil on canvas
source: link
credit: link
license:Public domain
artist: unknown
source: link * Gallery: link * Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-04-03): link [link CC-BY-4.0]
credit: link Gallery: link Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-04-03): link CC-BY-4.0
Siam [Thailand]. Palmyra palms, Siam.
Iconographic Collections
Keywords: J. Thomson; Siam (Thailand); John Thomson
license:CC BY 4.0
artist: unknown
source: link * Gallery: link * Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-29): link [link CC-BY-4.0]
credit: link Gallery: link Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-29): link CC-BY-4.0
Dwarf palms in a Madagascarn rainforest. Wood engraving, c. 1867.
Iconographic Collections
Keywords: Henry Walter Bates
license:CC BY 4.0
artist: unknown
Talipot palms (Corypha umbraculifera) growing beside and on other plants with two people in foreground. Aquatint by T. Medland, c. 1807, after J. Cordiner.
Iconographic Collections
Keywords: James Cordiner; Thomas Medland
license:CC BY 4.0
artist: Scan by NYPL
date: 1881
source: link
credit: link
license:Public domain