artist: Ottavio Leoni
date: circa 1621
current location: Institution:Biblioteca Marucelliana, Florence
source: [link]
license:Public domain
artist: caravaggio
date: um 1602/1604
medium: Technique oil canvas
dimensions: de 1=127 x 166 cm Rahmenmaße: 156 x 196 x 13,5 cm
current location: de|1=[[Kunsthistorisches Museum]], Gemäldegalerie de|1=Wien
source: KHMonline|1=427
credit: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Bilddatenbank.
license:Public domain
artist: caravaggio
date: circa 1594-1596
medium: technique oil canvas
dimensions: size cm 66 49.5
current location: Institution:National Gallery, London
source: en|1=Book of Catherine Puglisi : ''Caravage'', translated from English by par Denis-Armand Canal, Paris : Phaidon, 2005 ISBN|978-07-1489-475-1 fr|1=Livre de Catherine Puglisi : ''Caravage'', traduit de l'anglais par Denis-Armand Canal, Paris : Phaidon, 2005 ISBN|978-07-1489-475-1 ru|1=Книга Екатерины Пуглиси "Караваджо", перевод с английского Дэнис-Армон Каналь, Париж: Фейдон, 2005 ISBN|978-07-1489-475-1
credit: Book of Catherine Puglisi : Caravage, translated from English by par Denis-Armand Canal, Paris : Phaidon, 2005 ISBN 978-07-1489-475-1
license:Public domain
artist: caravaggio
date: 1599-1600
medium: Oil on canvas
dimensions: 322 cm × 340 cm (127 in × 130 in.)
current location: Rome Contarelli Chapel, Church of San Luigi dei Francesi
source: [link SUNY College at Oneonta, NY]
credit: SUNY College at Oneonta, NY
license:Public domain
artist: caravaggio
date: between 1604 and 1605
medium: en 1=Oil on canvas
dimensions: w1320 x h1727 in
current location: The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
credit: qgFz_54y0Kfktw at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level
license:Public domain
artist: caravaggio
date: between 1602 and 1604
dimensions: w1655 x h1270 cm
current location: Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (Museum of Fine Arts)
credit: yAGZLO5MaPVjfQ at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level
license:Public domain
artist: caravaggio
date: by 1610
source: self-photographed
credit: Self-photographed
description: St Jerome by caravaggio. Galleria Borghese, Roma
license:Public domain
artist: caravaggio
date: between 1602 and 1604
dimensions: w1655 x h1270 cm
current location: Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (Museum of Fine Arts)
credit: yAGZLO5MaPVjfQ at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level
license:Public domain
artist: caravaggio
date: between 1602 and 1604
dimensions: w1655 x h1270 cm
current location: Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (Museum of Fine Arts)
credit: yAGZLO5MaPVjfQ at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level
license:Public domain