artist: michelangelo
date: 1508-1512
medium: technique fresco
current location: Sixtin Chapel de|1=Rom
source: Yorck
credit: The Yorck Project () 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei (DVD-ROM), distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. ISBN: 3936122202.
license:Public domain
artist: michelangelo
date: between 1508 and 1512
medium: technique fresco
current location: Institution:Cappella Sistina, Vatican
source: Yorck
credit: The Yorck Project () 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei (DVD-ROM), distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. ISBN: 3936122202.
license:Public domain
artist: michelangelo
date: 1508-1512
medium: technique fresco
current location: de|1=Vatikan, Sixtinische Kapelle de|1=Rom
source: Yorck
credit: The Yorck Project () 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei (DVD-ROM), distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. ISBN: 3936122202.
license:Public domain
artist: michelangelo
current location: :Museum:National Gallery, London
source: [link National Gallery]
credit: National Gallery
description: The Entombment by michelangelo
license:Public domain
artist: michelangelo
date: TBD, will be updated
source: Corel Professional Photos CD-ROM
credit: Corel Professional Photos CD-ROM
license:Public domain
artist: michelangelo
date: TBD, will be updated
source: Corel Professional Photos CD-ROM
credit: Corel Professional Photos CD-ROM
license:Public domain
artist: michelangelo
date: from 1506 until 1506
medium: technique Tempera panel
dimensions: size cm 120
current location: Institution:Uffizi
source: From Google Cultural Institute|mwEx1TY1xbJCwg
credit: mwEx1TY1xbJCwg at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum
license:Public domain
artist: michelangelo
date: c. 1487–88
medium: Tempera and oil on panel
dimensions: w34 x h47 cm
current location: Kimbell Art Museum
credit: 9QG4jcK04QjMfw at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level
license:Public domain
artist: michelangelo
date: 1547/1550
credit: FwH0L_M2G7bBZw at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum
license:Public domain
artist: unknown
source: link * Gallery: link * Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-31): link [link CC-BY-4.0]
credit: link Gallery: link Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-31): link CC-BY-4.0
michelangelo buonarroti. Photograph by Gustav Schauer after an engraving.
Iconographic Collections
license:CC BY 4.0