• lyubov popova - image 11

    title: Popova Philosopher

    artist: lyubov popova

    date: 1915

    date QS:P571,+1915-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    source: Scanned from Petrova, Bassner, Burliuk-Holt: ''Russian Futurism'', ISBN|3-930775-91-3

    credit: Scanned from Petrova, Bassner, Burliuk-Holt: Russian Futurism, ISBN 3-930775-91-3

  • lyubov popova - image 22

    title: Popova Air Man Space

    artist: en:lyubov popova

    date: 1913/1914

    source: Scanned from Petrova,Bassner, Burliuk-Holt ''Russian Futurism'', ISBN|3-930775-91-3

    credit: Scanned from Petrova,Bassner, Burliuk-Holt Russian Futurism, ISBN 3-930775-91-3

  • lyubov popova - image 33

    title: Popowa3

    artist: unknown


  • lyubov popova - image 44

    title: Lyubov popova, ritratto di un filosofo, costruzione cubista, 1915

    artist: lyubov popova

    source: photo|[[user:sailko|sailko]]

    credit: Photograph: sailko

  • lyubov popova - image 55

    title: NY Moma popova architectonic

    artist: lyubov popova

    date: 1917 Edit this at Wikidata

    source: own

    credit: Own work

  • lyubov popova - image 66

    title: 'Architectonic Painting' by Lyubov Popova, 1917, LACMA

    artist: lyubov popova

    date: 1917

    date QS:P571,+1917-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Oil on canvas

    current location: Institution:Los Angeles County Museum of Art

    source: self-photographed

    credit: Self-photographed

  • lyubov popova - image 77

    title: GUGG Untitled (Popova)

    artist: lyubov popova

    date: circa 1915

    date QS:P571,+1915-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902

    medium: technique oil canvas

    dimensions: Size cm 106.4 71.1

    current location: Institution:Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

    source: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation

    credit: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation

  • lyubov popova - image 88

    title: Painterly-Force Construction by Lyubov Popova, 1921

    artist: lyubov popova

    date: 1921

    date QS:P571,+1921-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    source: Dickinson Gallery, London and New York

    credit: Dickinson Gallery, London and New York

    description: Painterly-Force Construction (Lines of Force in Space) by lyubov popova, 1921, oil with marble dust on plywood, 92.7 x 70 cm.

  • lyubov popova - image 99

    title: Artist clothing #1

    artist: lyubov popova

    date: 1921

    date QS:P571,+1921-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: technique gouache paper

    dimensions: size cm 34 21

    current location: Institution:Museum Ludwig Köln

    source: link

    credit: link

  • lyubov popova - image 10

    title: Lyubov Popova Painterly Architectonics - 1982.10 - Dallas Museum of Art

    artist: lyubov popova

    date: 1918 Edit this at Wikidata

    source: link

    credit: link

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