artist: lorenzo ghiberti
date: between 1400 and 1450
source: scan
credit: scan
license:Public domain
artist: lorenzo ghiberti
date: between 1400 and 1450
source: scan
credit: scan
license:Public domain
artist: lorenzo ghiberti
date: between 1400 and 1450
source: scan
credit: scan
license:Public domain
artist: lorenzo ghiberti
date: between 1400 and 1450
source: self-scanned
credit: Self-scanned
license:Public domain
artist: Giorgio Vasari
date: 1568
current location: institution:Houghton Library
source: [link Typ 525 68.864, Houghton Library], Harvard University
credit: Typ 525 68.864, Houghton Library, Harvard University
description: Plate of lorenzo ghiberti, from Le vite de’ piv eccellenti pittori, scvltori, e architettori (Fiorenza: Appresso i Giunti, 1568), by Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574). Typ 525 68.864, Houghton Library, Harvard University
license:Public domain
date: from 1880 until 1881
source: HWY
credit: LSH 102999 (hm_dig11978)
license:Public domain
artist: lorenzo ghiberti
date: 15th century
medium: Stucco, painted and gilded.
dimensions: Height: 28 in. (71.1 cm)
current location: Institution:Metropolitan Museum of Art
source: link Template:TheMet
credit: This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See the Image and Data Resources Open Access Policy
artist: lorenzo ghiberti
date: 1446
medium: Gilt copper and champlevé enamel
dimensions: H. 7 1/2 x W. 7 3/4 x D. 3 1/4 in. (19.1 x 19.7 x 8.3 cm)
current location: Institution:Metropolitan Museum of Art
source: link Template:TheMet
credit: This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See the Image and Data Resources Open Access Policy
artist: lorenzo ghiberti
date: between circa 1400 and circa 1405
current location: Institution:Yale University Art Gallery
source: link
credit: link
license:Public domain
artist: lorenzo ghiberti
date: 1450
medium: Polychromed terracotta
source: link
credit: link