• kazimir malevich - image 11

    title: Malevich

    artist: kazimir malevich

    date: between 1928 and 1930

    date QS:P571,+1950-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1319,+1928-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1930-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: technique oil canvas

    dimensions: Size cm 142 164

    current location: Institution:Russian Museum

    source: [link]

    credit: [1]

  • kazimir malevich - image 22

    title: Malevich Self-Portrait

    artist: kazimir malevich

    date: 1910

    date QS:P571,+1910-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: technique Watercolor and=gouache paper

    dimensions: size cm 46.2 41.3

    current location: <!-- location within the museum --> Institution:Russian Museum

    source: link

    credit: link

  • kazimir malevich - image 33

    title: Self Portrait (1908 or 1910-1911) (Kazimir Malevich)

    artist: kazimir malevich

    date: 1910-1911

    medium: Gouache on paper

    dimensions: 27 x 26.8

    current location: Institution:Tretyakov Gallery <!-- within the museum -->

    source: link

    credit: link

  • kazimir malevich - image 44

    title: Kazimir Malevich Suprametism

    artist: kazimir malevich

    date: 1915

    date QS:P571,+1915-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Technique oil canvas

    dimensions: size cm 101.5 62

    current location: Institution:Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

    source: Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, [link press releases], ''Lissitzky+ Part 1: Victory over the Sun'' 19/09/2009 - 05/09/2010 (file #15)

    credit: Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, press releases, Lissitzky+ Part 1: Victory over the Sun 19/09/2009 - 05/09/2010 (file #15)

  • kazimir malevich - image 55

    title: The Knife Grinder Principle of Glittering by Kazimir Malevich.

    artist: kazimir malevich

    date: 1913

    date QS:P571,+1913-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: technique Oil canvas

    dimensions: size cm 79.5 79.5

    current location: Institution:Yale University Art Gallery

    source: [link Yale University Art Gallery]

    credit: Yale University Art Gallery

  • kazimir malevich - image 66

    title: Kazimir Malevich Suprematism - Google Art Project

    artist: kazimir malevich

    date: 1915

    date QS:P571,+1915-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Oil on canvas

    dimensions: w710 x h8050 mm

    current location: The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

    credit: 7gFr9friECE5NA at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level

  • kazimir malevich - image 77

    title: IRWIN Malevich between two wars


    Gruppe IRWIN

    date: 2003

    source: Website der Gruppe IRWIN (www.irwin-retroprincip.de)

    credit: Website der Gruppe IRWIN (www.irwin-retroprincip.de)

    description: IRWIN: malevich between two wars (aus der Werkreihe "Icons")

  • kazimir malevich - image 88

    title: Kazimir Malevich, 1914, Composition with the Mona Lisa, oil, collage and graphite on canvas, 62.5 × 49.3 cm, Russian Museum

    artist: kazimir malevich

    date: 1914

    date QS:P571,+1914-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Technique oil and=collage and2=graphite canvas

    dimensions: size in 24.6 19.4

    current location: Institution:Russian Museum

    source: [link Artsy]

    credit: Artsy

  • kazimir malevich - image 99

    title: Suprematism Abstract Composition (Malevich, 1915)

    artist: kazimir malevich

    date: 1915 Edit this at Wikidata

    source: link

    credit: link

  • kazimir malevich - image 10

    title: Kazimir malevich suprematist composition

    artist: kazimir malevich

    date: 1915 Edit this at Wikidata

    source: link from=salesummery&intobjectid=6140947&sid=beacdfdf-45f7-432c-9fc1-98e04d0006f2

    credit: link from=salesummery&intobjectid=6140947&sid=beacdfdf-45f7-432c-9fc1-98e04d0006f2

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