artist: john lindros
date: between 1927 and 1931
current location: Institution:Statens museer för världskultur
source: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:<br />'''C00576.tif''' SMVK cooperation project|COH
credit: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:
This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the National Museums of World Culture as part of the cooperation project Connected Open Heritage with Wikimedia Sverige.
This file was made available by Världskulturmuseerna as part of the Connected Open Heritage project. The project is led by Wikimedia Sverige in cooperation with UNESCO, Wikimedia Italia and Cultural Heritage without Borders and is financed by a project grant from the Culture Foundation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery.
artist: john lindros
date: between 1927 and 1931
current location: Institution:Statens museer för världskultur
source: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:<br />'''C00419.tif''' SMVK cooperation project|COH
credit: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:
This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the National Museums of World Culture as part of the cooperation project Connected Open Heritage with Wikimedia Sverige.
This file was made available by Världskulturmuseerna as part of the Connected Open Heritage project. The project is led by Wikimedia Sverige in cooperation with UNESCO, Wikimedia Italia and Cultural Heritage without Borders and is financed by a project grant from the Culture Foundation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery.
date: between 1927 and 1931
current location: Institution:Statens museer för världskultur
source: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:<br />'''C01606.tif''' SMVK cooperation project|COH
credit: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:
This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the National Museums of World Culture as part of the cooperation project Connected Open Heritage with Wikimedia Sverige.
This file was made available by Världskulturmuseerna as part of the Connected Open Heritage project. The project is led by Wikimedia Sverige in cooperation with UNESCO, Wikimedia Italia and Cultural Heritage without Borders and is financed by a project grant from the Culture Foundation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery.
date: between 1927 and 1931
current location: Institution:Statens museer för världskultur
source: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:<br />'''C02264.tif''' SMVK cooperation project|COH
credit: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:
This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the National Museums of World Culture as part of the cooperation project Connected Open Heritage with Wikimedia Sverige.
This file was made available by Världskulturmuseerna as part of the Connected Open Heritage project. The project is led by Wikimedia Sverige in cooperation with UNESCO, Wikimedia Italia and Cultural Heritage without Borders and is financed by a project grant from the Culture Foundation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery.
artist: john lindros
date: between 1927 and 1931
current location: Institution:Statens museer för världskultur
source: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:<br />'''C10056.tif''' SMVK cooperation project|COH
credit: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:
This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the National Museums of World Culture as part of the cooperation project Connected Open Heritage with Wikimedia Sverige.
This file was made available by Världskulturmuseerna as part of the Connected Open Heritage project. The project is led by Wikimedia Sverige in cooperation with UNESCO, Wikimedia Italia and Cultural Heritage without Borders and is financed by a project grant from the Culture Foundation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery.
artist: john lindros
date: between 1927 and 1931
current location: Institution:Statens museer för världskultur
source: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:<br />'''C00388.tif''' SMVK cooperation project|COH
credit: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:
This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the National Museums of World Culture as part of the cooperation project Connected Open Heritage with Wikimedia Sverige.
This file was made available by Världskulturmuseerna as part of the Connected Open Heritage project. The project is led by Wikimedia Sverige in cooperation with UNESCO, Wikimedia Italia and Cultural Heritage without Borders and is financed by a project grant from the Culture Foundation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery.
artist: john lindros
date: between 1927 and 1931
current location: Institution:Statens museer för världskultur
source: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:<br />'''C01444.tif''' SMVK cooperation project|COH
credit: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:
This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the National Museums of World Culture as part of the cooperation project Connected Open Heritage with Wikimedia Sverige.
This file was made available by Världskulturmuseerna as part of the Connected Open Heritage project. The project is led by Wikimedia Sverige in cooperation with UNESCO, Wikimedia Italia and Cultural Heritage without Borders and is financed by a project grant from the Culture Foundation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery.
artist: john lindros
date: between 1927 and 1931
current location: Institution:Statens museer för världskultur
source: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:<br />'''C06287.tif''' SMVK cooperation project|COH
credit: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:
This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the National Museums of World Culture as part of the cooperation project Connected Open Heritage with Wikimedia Sverige.
This file was made available by Världskulturmuseerna as part of the Connected Open Heritage project. The project is led by Wikimedia Sverige in cooperation with UNESCO, Wikimedia Italia and Cultural Heritage without Borders and is financed by a project grant from the Culture Foundation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery.
artist: unknown
date: between 1927 and 1931
current location: Institution:Statens museer för världskultur
source: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:<br />'''C00905.tif''' SMVK cooperation project|COH
credit: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:
This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the National Museums of World Culture as part of the cooperation project Connected Open Heritage with Wikimedia Sverige.
This file was made available by Världskulturmuseerna as part of the Connected Open Heritage project. The project is led by Wikimedia Sverige in cooperation with UNESCO, Wikimedia Italia and Cultural Heritage without Borders and is financed by a project grant from the Culture Foundation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery.
artist: john lindros
date: between 1927 and 1931
current location: Institution:Statens museer för världskultur
source: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:<br />'''C05973.tif''' SMVK cooperation project|COH
credit: The original image file was recieved from SMVK with the following filename:
This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the National Museums of World Culture as part of the cooperation project Connected Open Heritage with Wikimedia Sverige.
This file was made available by Världskulturmuseerna as part of the Connected Open Heritage project. The project is led by Wikimedia Sverige in cooperation with UNESCO, Wikimedia Italia and Cultural Heritage without Borders and is financed by a project grant from the Culture Foundation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery.