• james abbott mcneill whistler - image 11

    title: Whistler Selbstporträt

    artist: james abbott mcneill whistler

    date: circa 1872

    date QS:P571,+1872-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902

    medium: Oil on canvas

    dimensions: Size cm 74.9 53.3

    current location: Institution:Detroit Institute of Arts

    source: www.dia.org : [link Home] : [link Info]

    credit: www.dia.org : Home : Info

  • james abbott mcneill whistler - image 22

    title: Whistler Nocturne in black and gold

    artist: james abbott mcneill whistler

    date: 1875

    date QS:P571,+1875-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Oil on panel

    dimensions: size cm 60.3 46.4

    current location: Institution:Detroit Institute of Arts Detroit, Michigan, USA

    source: link

    credit: link

  • james abbott mcneill whistler - image 33

    title: James McNeill Whistler Caprice in Purple and Gold- The Golden Screen - Google Art Project

    artist: james abbott mcneill whistler

    date: 1864

    date QS:P571,+1864-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: technique Oil wood panel

    dimensions: size cm height=50.10 width=68.50

    current location: Gallery 11 - American Art - Freer and whistler: Points of Contact Institution:Freer Gallery of Art

    source: From Google Cultural Institute|OQGZuFnJ6Wq0Og

    credit: OQGZuFnJ6Wq0Og at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum

  • james abbott mcneill whistler - image 44

    title: Whistlers Mother high res

    artist: james abbott mcneill whistler

    date: Summer 1871

    date QS:P571,+1871-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P4241,Q40720564

    medium: oil on canvas

    dimensions: size cm height=144.3 width=162.4

    current location: Institution:Orsay

    source: [link Musée d'Orsay]

    credit: Musée d'Orsay


    Depicted person: Anna mcneill whistler

    place of creation: London

  • james abbott mcneill whistler - image 55

    title: James McNeill Whistler La Princesse du pays de la porcelaine - brighter

    artist: james abbott mcneill whistler

    date: from 1863 until 1865

    date QS:P571,+1863-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1863-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P582,+1865-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    credit: This file was derived from:  james mcneill whistler - La Princesse du pays de la porcelaine - Google Art Project.jpg: 

  • james abbott mcneill whistler - image 66

    title: James Abbott McNeill Whistler Miss Lillian Woakes - Google Art Project

    artist: james abbott mcneill whistler

    date: from 1890 until 1891

    date QS:P571,+1890-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1890-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P582,+1891-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Oil on canvas

    dimensions: w14 x h21 in

    current location: The Phillips Collection

    credit: WwF6ut2siYYfKw at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level

  • james abbott mcneill whistler - image 77

    title: James Abbott McNeill Whistler The Riva, No. 1 - Google Art Project

    artist: james abbott mcneill whistler

    date: 1880

    date QS:P571,+1880-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Etching on paper

    dimensions: w11 x h7 in

    current location: The Phillips Collection

    credit: igFEdFjO_l-k8g at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level

  • james abbott mcneill whistler - image 88

    title: The Lime Burner

    artist: james abbott mcneill whistler

    date: 1859

    date QS:P571,+1859-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    credit: sAGRWNhfxFshIA at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum

  • james abbott mcneill whistler - image 99

    title: Weary

    artist: james abbott mcneill whistler

    date: 1863

    date QS:P571,+1863-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    credit: DAE6WULG17Oxhw at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum

  • james abbott mcneill whistler - image 10

    title: James Abbott McNeill Whistler Seascape - S8452.95.1 - Indianapolis Museum of Art

    artist: james abbott mcneill whistler

    current location: Institution:Indianapolis Museum of Art

    source: link

    credit: link

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