• imhotep - image 11

    title: Imhotep, the vizer and physician of King Zoser. Wellcome L0000892

    artist: unknown

    source: link * Gallery: link * Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-30): link [link CC-BY-4.0]

    credit: link Gallery: link Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-30): link CC-BY-4.0


    imhotep, the vizer and physician of King Zoser.

    General Collections
    Keywords: I-M-Hotep

    license:CC BY 4.0

  • imhotep - image 22

    title: Historical Medical Exhibition; cover representing Imhotep Wellcome L0021416

    artist: unknown

    source: link * Gallery: link * Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-30): link [link CC-BY-4.0]

    credit: link Gallery: link Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-30): link CC-BY-4.0


    Egyptian god, I-Em-Hetep or imhotep, the earliest known Egyptian deity of medicine and healing

    Wellcome Images
    Keywords: Wellcome Historical Medical Museum; Wellcome Publications; Egypt

    license:CC BY 4.0

  • imhotep - image 33

    title: Imhotep, six Ancient Egyptian figures Wellcome M0017645

    artist: unknown

    source: link * Gallery: link * Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-30): link [link CC-BY-4.0]

    credit: link Gallery: link Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-30): link CC-BY-4.0


    imhotep, six Ancient Egyptian figures, bronze

    Wellcome Images
    Keywords: Egypt

    license:CC BY 4.0

  • imhotep - image 44

    title: Imhotep, six Ancient Egyptian figures Wellcome M0017648

    artist: unknown

    source: link * Gallery: link * Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-30): link [link CC-BY-4.0]

    credit: link Gallery: link Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-30): link CC-BY-4.0


    imhotep, six Ancient Egyptian figures, bronze

    Wellcome Images
    Keywords: Egypt

    license:CC BY 4.0

  • imhotep - image 55

    title: Statue of Seated Imhotep

    artist: unknown

    date: 332–30 B.C.

    • Period: Ptolemaic Period

    medium: en cupreous metal, precious metal inlay

    dimensions: en H. 14 cm (5 1/2 in.); W. 4.8 cm (1 7/8 in.); D. 9.8 cm (3 7/8 in.)

    current location: Institution:Metropolitan Museum of Art

    source: link Template:TheMet

    credit: This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See the Image and Data Resources Open Access Policy

    description: Statuette, imhotep


  • imhotep - image 66

    title: Imhotep

    artist: unknown

    date: 664–30 B.C.

    • Period: Late Period–Ptolemaic Period

    medium: en Cupreous metal

    dimensions: en H. 10.2 cm (4 in.); W. 3.8 cm (1 1/2 in.); D. 5.4 cm (2 1/8 in.)

    current location: Institution:Metropolitan Museum of Art

    source: link Template:TheMet

    credit: This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See the Image and Data Resources Open Access Policy

    description: Statuette, imhotep


  • imhotep - image 77

    title: Book of the Dead of the Priest of Horus, Imhotep (Imuthes)

    artist: unknown

    date: circa 332–200 B.C.

    • Period: Early Ptolemaic Period

    medium: en Papyrus, ink

    dimensions: en Approximate measurements (framed): L. 219 m (71 ft. 10 3/16 in); H. 35 cm (1 ft. 1 3/4 in.). Length previously estimated at 63 ft. (192 m).

    current location: Institution:Metropolitan Museum of Art

    source: link Template:TheMet

    credit: This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See the Image and Data Resources Open Access Policy

    description: Papyrus, Book of the Dead, Imouthes, imhotep, Imuthes


  • imhotep - image 88

    title: Book of the Dead of the Priest of Horus, Imhotep (Imuthes)

    artist: unknown

    date: circa 332–200 B.C.

    • Period: Early Ptolemaic Period

    medium: en Papyrus, ink

    dimensions: en Approximate measurements (framed): L. 219 m (71 ft. 10 3/16 in); H. 35 cm (1 ft. 1 3/4 in.). Length previously estimated at 63 ft. (192 m).

    current location: Institution:Metropolitan Museum of Art

    source: link Template:TheMet

    credit: This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See the Image and Data Resources Open Access Policy

    description: Papyrus, Book of the Dead, Imouthes, imhotep, Imuthes


  • imhotep - image 99

    title: Imhotep, donated by Padisu

    artist: unknown

    date: 664–30 B.C.

    • Period: Late Period–Ptolemaic Period

    medium: en Cupreous metal

    dimensions: en H. 17.9 cm (7 1/16 in.); W. 5.4 cm (2 1/8 in.); D. 12.9 cm (5 1/16 in.)

    current location: Institution:Metropolitan Museum of Art

    source: link Template:TheMet

    credit: This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See the Image and Data Resources Open Access Policy

    description: Statuette, imhotep


  • imhotep - image 10

    title: Imhotep, donated by Padisu

    artist: unknown

    date: 664–30 B.C.

    • Period: Late Period–Ptolemaic Period

    medium: en Cupreous metal

    dimensions: en H. 17.9 cm (7 1/16 in.); W. 5.4 cm (2 1/8 in.); D. 12.9 cm (5 1/16 in.)

    current location: Institution:Metropolitan Museum of Art

    source: link Template:TheMet

    credit: This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See the Image and Data Resources Open Access Policy

    description: Statuette, imhotep


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