• hugo simberg - image 11

    title: Die Badestube - Sauna - wird geheizt. (Beschreibung lt. Quelle)

    artist: hugo simberg

    source: Onni Okkonen: ''DIE FINNISCHE KUNST'', Wilhelm Limpert-Verlag Berlin 1943

    credit: Onni Okkonen: DIE FINNISCHE KUNST, Wilhelm Limpert-Verlag Berlin 1943

  • hugo simberg - image 22

    title: Knabe "Akseli". (Beschreibung lt. Quelle)

    artist: hugo simberg

    source: Onni Okkonen: ''DIE FINNISCHE KUNST'', Wilhelm Limpert-Verlag Berlin 1943

    credit: Onni Okkonen: DIE FINNISCHE KUNST, Wilhelm Limpert-Verlag Berlin 1943

  • hugo simberg - image 33

    title: Hugo Simberg Piiritanssi (1898)

    artist: hugo simberg

    date: 1898

    date QS:P571,+1898-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: technique watercolor

    dimensions: size cm 15.1 23.2

    current location: Institution:Ateneum Art Museum

    source: paintingdb|4761

    credit: PaintingDb, Object 4761

  • hugo simberg - image 44

    title: Hugo Simberg The Wounded Angel - Google Art Project

    artist: hugo simberg

    date: 1903

    date QS:P571,+1903-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    credit: WAHm6ruBFNfnLw at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum

  • hugo simberg - image 55

    title: Paratiisi

    artist: hugo simberg

    date: 1896

    date QS:P571,+1896-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Watercolor , Gouache

    dimensions: Size unit=cm width=26 height=22

    source: ''Pinx - maalaustaide Suomessa: Suuria kertomuksia'', p. 242. Weilin+Göös 2001.

    credit: Pinx - maalaustaide Suomessa: Suuria kertomuksia, p. 242. Weilin+Göös 2001.

    description: hugo Simbergin tulkinta Aatamista, Eevasta ja Jumalasta Paratiisissa. Maalaus kuuluu yksityiskokoelmaan.

  • hugo simberg - image 66

    title: Hugo Simberg Fantasia - A-2015-60 - Finnish National Gallery

    artist: hugo simberg

    current location: Institution:Finnish National Gallery

    source: link

    credit: link

  • hugo simberg - image 77

    title: Hugo Simberg Examination - A II 968-26 - Finnish National Gallery

    artist: hugo simberg

    date: 1897 Edit this at Wikidata

    current location: Institution:Finnish National Gallery

    source: link

    credit: link

  • hugo simberg - image 88

    title: Hugo Simberg Piru muuttaa - A IV 3678 - Finnish National Gallery

    artist: hugo simberg

    current location: Institution:Finnish National Gallery

    source: link

    credit: link

  • hugo simberg - image 99

    title: Hugo Simberg Morning Milking - A II 968-11 - Finnish National Gallery

    artist: hugo simberg

    date: 1895 Edit this at Wikidata

    current location: Institution:Finnish National Gallery

    source: link

    credit: link

  • hugo simberg - image 10

    title: Hugo Simberg Doing the Laundry - A II 968-12 - Finnish National Gallery

    artist: hugo simberg

    date: 1895 Edit this at Wikidata

    current location: Institution:Finnish National Gallery

    source: link

    credit: link

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