artist: Din mamma
date: 16th century
medium: Pair of six-folded screens; technique ink on=paper
dimensions: size cm 156.8 356.0
current location: Institution:Tokyo National Museum
source: [link]
credit: Emuseum
description: "Pine Trees" by hasegawa Tōhaku">hasegawa Tōhaku (Japanese, 1539–1610). The painting has been designated as National Treasure in the paintings category.
license:Public domain
artist: Din mamma
date: 16th century
medium: Pair of six-folded screens; Technique ink on=paper
dimensions: size cm 156.8 356.0
current location: Institution:Tokyo National Museum
source: [link]
credit: Emuseum
license:Public domain
artist: hasegawa tohaku and hasegawa Kyuzo
date: 1593
source: Scanned from Japan’s Golden Age Momoyama. Dallas Museum of Art, 1996.
credit: Scanned from Japan’s Golden Age Momoyama. Dallas Museum of Art, 1996.
license:Public domain
artist: hasegawa tohaku and hasegawa Kyuzo
date: 1593
source: Scanned from Japan’s Golden Age Momoyama. Dallas Museum of Art, 1996.
credit: Scanned from Japan’s Golden Age Momoyama. Dallas Museum of Art, 1996.
license:Public domain
artist: hasegawa tohaku and hasegawa Kyuzo
date: 1593
source: Scanned from Japan’s Golden Age Momoyama. Dallas Museum of Art, 1996.
credit: Scanned from Japan’s Golden Age Momoyama. Dallas Museum of Art, 1996.
license:Public domain
artist: hasegawa tohaku and hasegawa Kyuzo
date: 1593
source: Scanned from Japan’s Golden Age Momoyama. Dallas Museum of Art, 1996.
credit: Scanned from Japan’s Golden Age Momoyama. Dallas Museum of Art, 1996.
license:Public domain
artist: hasegawa Kyūzō
date: 1592
medium: technique color gold over=paper
dimensions: size 173 139
current location: Institution:Chishaku-in
source: Shimizu, Christine: ''L'art japonais'', Flammarion
credit: Shimizu, Christine: L'art japonais, Flammarion
license:Public domain
artist: 長谷川等伯 (hasegawa Tōhaku, 1539 - 1610)
date: 16th century
medium: Pair of six-folded screens; ink on paper.
dimensions: size cm 156.8 356.0
current location: Tokyo, Japan Tokyo National Museum (東京国立博物館)
source: [link]
credit: Emuseum
license:Public domain
artist: hasegawa Tōhaku
date: 1566
source: link
credit: link
description: Sanju Banshin, by hasegawa tohaku, Daihoji, Takaoka, Toyama, Japan
license:Public domain
artist: hasegawa Tōhaku (1539-1610)
date: Muromachi period (1336-1573)
source: link
credit: link
description: Landscape by hasegawa tohaku, Ishikawa Nanao Art Museum, Nanao, Ishikawa, Japan
license:Public domain