• guo xi - image 11

    title: Guo Xi Early Spring

    artist: guo xi

    date: 1072

    source: link

    credit: link

  • guo xi - image 22

    title: Guo Xi Early Spring

    artist: guo xi

    date: 1072

    date QS:P571,+1072-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Technique ink colorand=light and=colors silk

    dimensions: size cm 158.3 108.1

    current location: :museum:NPM

    source: link

    credit: link

  • guo xi - image 33

    title: Guo Xi Early Spring (large)

    artist: guo xi

    date: 1072

    date QS:P571,+1072-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Technique ink adjand=light and=colors silk

    source: link

    credit: link

    description: Début de printemps, guo xi. Song du Nord. Encre et couleurs légères sur soie.

  • guo xi - image 44

    title: Guo Xi otshelnik

    artist: guo xi

    date: 2009-01-13

    source: Transferred from [link ru.wikipedia]
    (Original text : ''scan'')


    Transferred from ru.wikipedia

    (Original text : scan)

  • guo xi - image 55

    title: Guo Xi Gugun 11

    artist: guo xi

    date: 元丰元年戊午(1078)

    medium: 绢本,墨笔

    dimensions: 纵120.8cm,横167.7cm

    current location: 故宮博物院

    source: Гугун. transferred from|ru.wikipedia| <br/> ( original text|nobold=1|1=scan )


    Гугун. Transferred from ru.wikipedia to Commons.

    (Original text: scan)

  • guo xi - image 66

    title: Guo Xi trees 11

    artist: guo xi

    date: 11th century

    date QS:P571,+1050-00-00T00:00:00Z/7

    source: self-scanned

    credit: Self-scanned

  • guo xi - image 77

    title: Guo Xi. Old Trees, Level Distance, ca. 1080. Handscroll, 34,9x104,8. Metropolitan Museum of Art N-Y

    artist: guo xi

    date: 5 July 2011

    source: self-scanned

    credit: Self-scanned

    description: guo xi. Old Trees, Level Distance, ca. 1080. Handscroll, 34,9x104,8. Metropolitan Museum of Art N-Y

  • guo xi - image 88

    title: Guo Xi Early Spring, upscaled

    artist: guo xi

    date: 1072

    date QS:P571,+1072-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: hanging scroll , Technique ink adjand=light and=colors silk

    dimensions: size cm 158.3 108.1

    current location: :museum:NPM

    source: link

    credit: link

    description: guo xi's Early Spring, a scan that apparently better preserves the faint stamps on the upper-right quarter. Upscaled with let's enhance.

  • guo xi - image 99

    title: Early Spring

    artist: guo xi

    date: 1072

    date QS:P571,+1072-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: hanging scroll , Technique ink adjand=light and=colors silk

    dimensions: size cm 158.3 108.1

    current location: :museum:NPM

    source: link

    credit: link

    description: guo xi's Early Spring, a scan that apparently better preserves the faint stamps on the upper-right quarter. Upscaled with let's enhance. Auto-leveled with GIMP to better reveal stamps. Color shadows around ink areas are due to JPEG artifact in original image.

  • guo xi - image 10

    title: Fang Shishu Evening Mist on Strange Peaks in the style of Guo Xi - 1959.40 - Yale University Art Gallery

    artist: Fang Shishu

    date: 1746 Edit this at Wikidata

    source: link

    credit: link

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