artist: grant wood
date: 1930
medium: Technique oil Beaver Board
dimensions: Size cm 78 65.3
current location: Institution:Art Institute of Chicago
source: From [link The Art Institute of Chicago Museum]
credit: From The Art Institute of Chicago Museum
description: This is a digitized image of the original painting American Gothic that grant_wood" class="extiw" title="w:Grant Wood">Grant Wood, a master artist of the twentieth century, created in 1930 and sold to the Art Institute of Chicago in November of the same year.
license:Public domain
artist: grant wood
date: 1932
medium: technique oil masonite
dimensions: size inch height=20 width=39.9375 ( technique masonite )<br> size inch height=26.25 width=46.4375 ( LangSwitch de=gemalter Rahmen en=painted frame es=marco pintado fr=cadre peint nl=geschilderde lijst )
current location: institution:Cincinnati Art Museum
source: photo colon own LangSwitch|de=durch|en=by|es=por|fr=par|nl=door [[user:Wmpearl|Wmpearl]]
credit: Photograph: Own work by Wmpearl
license:Public domain
artist: grant wood
date: 1930
dimensions: w653 x h780 cm
current location: The Art Institute of Chicago
credit: 5QEPm0jCc183Aw at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level
license:Public domain
artist: grant wood
date: 1931
source: link
credit: link
license:Public domain
artist: grant wood
date: 1930
medium: en Oil on Beaver Board
dimensions: w653 x h780 cm
current location: The Art Institute of Chicago
credit: This file was derived from: grant wood - American Gothic - Google Art Project.jpg:
license:Public domain
artist: grant wood
date: 1938-1929
medium: oil on composition board
dimensions: 17 1/2 x 20 1/4 inches
current location: Institution:Museum of Art Cedar Rapids
source: link
credit: link
license:Public domain