• franz leo ruben - image 11

    title: Franz Leo Ruben Venezianische Kesselflicker 1872

    artist: franz leo ruben (1842-1920)

    date: 1872

    date QS:P571,+1872-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: technique Gouache Paper

    dimensions: ca. 25 x 35,5 cm

    source: [link Dorotheum]

    credit: Dorotheum

  • franz leo ruben - image 22

    title: Franz Leo Ruben Italienische Dorfstraße

    artist: franz leo ruben (1842-1920)

    medium: Technique oil panel

    dimensions: Size cm 24 41

    source: [link Palais Dorotheum, Prague, 11.03.2014, lot 3 via ARCADJA auction results]

    credit: Palais Dorotheum, Prague, 11.03.2014, lot 3 via ARCADJA auction results

  • franz leo ruben - image 33

    title: Franz Leo Ruben Der Fächerverkäufer (1882)

    artist: franz leo ruben (1842-1920)

    date: 1882

    date QS:P571,+1882-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Technique oil canvas mounted=cardboard

    dimensions: Size cm 86.3 57.2

    current location: Private collection

    source: bridgemanimages|474368

    credit: The Bridgeman Art Library, Object 474368

  • franz leo ruben - image 44

    title: Franz Leo Ruben Campiello delle Mosche, Venice

    artist: franz leo ruben (1842-1920)

    medium: Technique painting

    current location: Private collection

    source: bridgemanimages|27101

    credit: The Bridgeman Art Library, Object 27101

  • franz leo ruben - image 55

    title: Franz Leo Ruben Eine elegante Bootsparty

    artist: franz leo ruben (1842-1920)

    medium: Technique painting

    current location: Private collection

    source: bridgemanimages|21063

    credit: The Bridgeman Art Library, Object 21063

  • franz leo ruben - image 66

    title: Franz Leo Ruben Kinder auf der Brücke

    artist: franz leo ruben (1842-1920)

    medium: Technique oil canvas mounted=panel

    dimensions: Size cm 33 28

    source: [link Auktionshaus Bergmann, 28.06.2008, lot 553]

    credit: Auktionshaus Bergmann, 28.06.2008, lot 553

  • franz leo ruben - image 77

    title: Franz Leo Ruben Türkisches Kaffeehaus in Sarajevo - 262 - Österreichische Galerie Belvedere

    artist: franz leo ruben

    date: 1897 Edit this at Wikidata

    source: link

    credit: link

  • franz leo ruben - image 88

    title: Franz Leo Ruben Motiv aus Venedig - 3560 - Kunsthistorisches Museum

    artist: franz leo ruben

    date: 1877 Edit this at Wikidata

    source: link

    credit: link

  • franz leo ruben - image 99

    title: Hill's Burlington (Alamance County, N.C.) City Directory (1935) DPLA - def9a940df3656bad9b9655823007cd1

    artist: unknown

    date: 1935

    date QS:P571,+1935-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    current location: Institution|wikidata=Q192334

    source: DPLA| Q192334 |hub=North Carolina Digital Heritage Center|url=link B96h 1935; b3235982

    credit: This file was contributed to Wikimedia Commons by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as part of a cooperation project. The donation was facilitated by the Digital Public Library of America, via its partner North Carolina Digital Heritage Center. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill identifier: C971.1 B96h 1935; b3235982 Source record: link DPLA identifier: def9a940df3656bad9b9655823007cd1

  • franz leo ruben - image 10

    title: Hill's Durham (Durham County, N.C.) City Directory (1948) DPLA - d8b61bf7116ac520639ae0f3c5f8ab81

    artist: unknown

    date: 1948

    date QS:P571,+1948-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    current location: Institution|wikidata=Q168751

    source: DPLA| Q168751 |hub=North Carolina Digital Heritage Center|url=link

    credit: This file was contributed to Wikimedia Commons by Duke University as part of a cooperation project. The donation was facilitated by the Digital Public Library of America, via its partner North Carolina Digital Heritage Center. Source record: link DPLA identifier: d8b61bf7116ac520639ae0f3c5f8ab81

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