• dream - image 11

    title: Mir Musavvir 002

    artist: Mir Mossavvir

    date: between 1525 and 1535

    date QS:P,+1550-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1319,+1525-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1535-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
     Edit this at Wikidata

    source: Not necessary, PD by age.

    credit: Not necessary, PD by age.

  • dream - image 22

    title: Henri Rousseau Le Rêve - Google Art Project

    artist: Henri Rousseau

    date: 1910

    date QS:P571,+1910-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: technique Oil canvas

    dimensions: size cm height=204.50 width=298.50

    current location: Gallery 1 Institution:Museum of Modern Art

    source: From Google Cultural Institute|LwEt57AOdD6SGA

    credit: LwEt57AOdD6SGA at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum

  • dream - image 33

    title: 1794 Samuel Dunn Wall Map of the World in Hemispheres Geographicus - World2-dunn-1794


    date: 1794 (dated)

    dimensions: Size unit=in width=49 height=42

    source: Kitchin, Thomas, <i>Kitchin's General Atlas, describing the Whole Universe: being a complete collection of the most approved maps extant; corrected with the greatest care, and augmented from the last edition of D'Anville and Robert with many improvements by other eminent geographers, engraved on Sixty-Two plates, comprising Thirty Seven maps.</i>, Laurie & Whittle, London, 1797. Geographicus-source

    credit: This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by Geographicus Rare Antique Maps, a specialist dealer in rare maps and other cartography of the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, as part of a cooperation project.

    description: An absolutely stunning and monumental double hemisphere wall map of the world by Samuel Dunn dating to 1794. This extraordinary map is so large and so rich in detail that it is exceptionally challenging to do it full justice in either photographic or textual descriptions. Covers the entire world in a double hemisphere projection. The primary map is surrounded on all sides but detailed scientific calculations and descriptions as well as northern and southern hemisphere star charts, a map of the Moon, a Latitude and Longitude Analemma chart, a map of the Solar System, a Mercator projection of the world, an Analemma projection, a seasonal chart, a universal scale chart, and numerous smaller diagrams depicting planets and mathematical systems. All text is in English. We will start our survey of this map in North America, much of which was, even in 1794, largely unknown. This map follows shortly after the explorations of Captain Cook in the Arctic and Pacific Northwest, so the general outline of the continent is known. However, when this map was made, few inland expeditions had extended westward beyond the Mississippi. This map notes two separate speculative courses for the apocryphal River of the West, a northern route extending from Lake Winnipeg and a southern route passing south of Winnepeg through Pike's lake. The River of the West was hopeful dream of French and English explorers who were searching for a water passage through North America to the Pacific. In concept, should such a route be found, it would have become an important trade artery allowing the British and French, who's colonies dominated the eastern parts of North America, to compete with the Spanish for control of the lucrative Asia-Pacific trade. Little did these earlier speculative cartographers realize the bulk of the Rocky Mountains stood between them and their dreams! Slightly south of the Rivers of the West, we find the kingdom of Quivira, which is one of the lands associated with Spanish legends of the Seven Cities of Gold. In this area we can also find Drake's Harbor or Port de la Bodega and Albion. Drake's Harbor is where Sir Francis Drake supposedly landed during his circumnavigation of the globe in 1580. Drake wintered in this harbor and used the abundant resources of the region to repair his ships. He also claimed the lands for England dubbing them New Albion. Although the true location of Drake's port is unknown, most place it much further to the north. By situating it and consequently New Albion further to the south, Dunn is advocating a British rather than Spanish claim to this region. On the Eastern coast of North America we find a fledgling United States extending from Georgia to Maine. Dunn names Boston, New York, Charleston, Long Island, and Philadelphia, as well as the important smaller towns of Jamestown, Williamsburg and Edonton. South America exhibits a typically accurate coastline and limited knowledge of the interior beyond Peru and the populated coastlands. A few islands are noted off the coast, including the Galapagos, which are referred to as the Inchanted Islands. The Amazon is vague with many of its tributaries drawn in speculatively. Dunn and d'Anville have done away with the popular representation of Manoa or El Dorado in Guyana, but a vestigial Lake Parima is evident. Further south, the Laguna de los Xarayes, another apocryphal destination, is drawn at the northernmost terminus of the Paraguay River. The Xaraiés, meaning Masters of the River were an indigenous people occupying what are today parts of Brazil's Matte Grosso and the Pantanal. When Spanish and Portuguese explorers first navigated up the Paraguay River, as always in search of El Dorado, they encountered the vast Pantanal flood plain at the height of its annual inundation. Understandably misinterpreting the flood plain as a gigantic inland sea, they named it after the local inhabitants, the Xaraies.

  • dream - image 44

    title: Edwin Landseer Scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Titania and Bottom - Google Art Project

    artist: Edwin Henry Landseer

    date: between 1848 and 1851

    date QS:P571,+1850-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1319,+1848-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1851-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: en oil on canvas

    dimensions: w1330 x h820 cm

    current location: National Gallery of Victoria

    credit: qAFcRhWcRy2Zeg at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level

  • dream - image 55

    title: Dante Gabriel Rossetti The Day Dream - Google Art Project

    artist: Dante Gabriel Rossetti

    date: (1880 (painted) - 1880)

    dimensions: en Height: 158.7 cm estimate, Width: 92.7 cm estimate, Height: 195.3 cm frame, Width: 128.8 cm frame

    current location: Victoria and Albert Museum

    credit: cAH3bOzjJ3e7Dg at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level

  • dream - image 66

    title: Simmons Hermia and Lysander. A Midsummer Night's Dream

    artist: John Simmons

    date: 1870

    date QS:P571,+1870-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Watercolor heightened with gouache on paper laid down on canvas

    dimensions: Size cm 89 74

    source: [link Sotheby's, New York, 04 May 2012, lot 72]

    credit: Sotheby's, New York, 04 May 2012, lot 72

  • dream - image 77

    title: Crustacean, lying on his back by Vincent van Gogh (Van Gogh museum photogtaph)

    artist: Vincent van Gogh

    date: Arles, January 1889

    medium: technique oil canvas

    dimensions: Size cm 38 46.5

    current location: Amsterdam Institution:Van Gogh Museum

    source: [link Van Gogh Museum]

    credit: Van Gogh Museum

  • dream - image 88

    title: John Bunyan, The Road From the City of Destruction to the Celestial City 1821 Cornell CUL PJM 1038 01


    John Bunyan

    date: 1821

    date QS:P571,+1821-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    dimensions: (cm, H x W) 18 x 24 on sheet 20 x 27

    current location: Institution:Cornell University Library

    source: Bunyan, John. 1821. The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come: Delivered Under the Similitude of a dream, Wherein Is Discovered the Manner of His Setting Out, His Dangerous Journey, and Safe Arrival at the Desired Country. [link Cornell University: Persuasive Cartography: The PJ Mode Collection]

    credit: Bunyan, John. 1821. The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come: Delivered Under the Similitude of a dream, Wherein Is Discovered the Manner of His Setting Out, His Dangerous Journey, and Safe Arrival at the Desired Country. Cornell University: Persuasive Cartography: The PJ Mode Collection

  • dream - image 99

    title: Augustins La Folie de Titania - Paul Jean Gervais 1897 2004 1 188

    artist: Paul Gervais

    date: 1897

    date QS:P571,+1897-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Technique oil canvas

    dimensions: Size unit=cm width=520 height=350

    current location: Institution:Musée des Augustins de Toulouse Augustins location|Salon rouge

    source: own

  • dream - image 10

    title: Musée Ingres Bourdelle - Le songe d'Ossian, 1813 - Ingres - Joconde06070001439

    artist: Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

    date: 1813

    date QS:P571,+1813-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: technique oil canvas

    current location: Institution:Musée Ingres-Bourdelle Premier étage - Salle Ingres

    source: own

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