artist: dong yuan
current location: Institution:National Palace Museum
source: Source from [link]
credit: Source from [1]
description: Le bâtiment du paradis des Immortels dans la montagne, attribué à dong yuan">fr:dong yuan, milieu du Xe s., encre et couleurs légères sur soie, rouleau vertical, 183,2 x 121,2 cm. fr:Musée national du palais, fr:Taipei. Biblio: fr:Danielle Elisseeff, Art et archéologie : la Chine du néolithique à la fin des Cinq Dynasties (960 de notre ère), éditeur=École du Louvre, Éditions de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux (Manuels de l'École du Louvre), langue français ,lieu Paris ,année 2008, 381 pages, ISBN 978-2-7118-5269-7, Ouvrage de référence, bibliographie et Sites Internet. Pages 308-309
license:Public domain
artist: Wen Jia
date: 1577
source: Kimbell Art Museum
credit: Kimbell Art Museum
description: Landscape in the Style of dong yuan by Wen Jia (Wen Chia), 1577, Ming dynasty, Kimbell Art Museum
license:Public domain
artist: dong yuan
date: 10th century
medium: Technique ink adjand=light and=color silk
dimensions: size cm height=156 width=160
current location: :museum:NPM
source: link]
credit: link]
description: dong yuan. River landscape. National Palace Museum, Taipei.
license:Public domain
artist: dong yuan
date: 10th century
dimensions: size cm 50 320
current location: :museum:Liaoning Provincial Museum
source: link
credit: link
license:Public domain
artist: dong yuan
date: 10th century
medium: technique
dimensions: size cm
current location: Institution:Palace Museum
source: [link]
credit: [1]
license:Public domain
artist: After dong yuan
date: between 1748 and 1749
medium: Technique ink on=paper
dimensions: size cm height=23.6 width=30.2
current location: Museum purchase (W. Alton Jones Foundation Acquisition Fund), 1994
credit: Walters Art Museum: Home page
Info about artwork
license:Public domain
artist: Gong Xian
date: 1650
source: link
credit: link
license:Public domain
artist: dong yuan
credit: Metropolitan Museum of Art
license:Public domain
artist: Li Zai
credit: Metropolitan Museum of Art
license:Public domain
date: 1363
medium: Handscroll, ink and color on silk
dimensions: size cm height=28 width=316
current location: :museum:Liaoning Provincial Museum
source: photo|[[:User:A|Chloë Tran Phuong Anh]]|date=2020-04-23 . Stitched from the original files located at: * [link [High-definition enlarged version] yuan Chen Jianru, ''The Mahasattva of Truc Lam Coming out of the Mountain'', hand scroll 28 × 316 cm –【高清放大版】元 陈鉴如 竹林大士出山图 手卷纸本28×316cm]
credit: Photograph: Chloë Tran Phuong Anh, 23 April 2020. Stitched from the original files located at: [High-definition enlarged version] yuan Chen Jianru, The Mahasattva of Truc Lam Coming out of the Mountain, hand scroll 28 × 316 cm –【高清放大版】元 陈鉴如 竹林大士出山图 手卷纸本28×316cm
license:Public domain