artist: donatello
date: between 1430 and 1469 / between circa 1435 and circa 1440
source: originally posted to '''[[Flickr|Flickr]]''' as [link Florence - David by donatello]
license:CC BY-SA 2.0
artist: donatello
current location: institution:Musée Jacquemart-André
source: link
artist: donatello
source: Book: Rolf C. Wirtz, donatello, Könemann, Colonia
license:Public domain
artist: donatello
date: between 1430 and 1469 / between circa 1435 and circa 1440
source: [[:File:Florence - David by donatello.jpg]]
license:CC BY-SA 2.0
artist: donatello
date: between 1400 and 1450
source: scan
credit: scan
license:Public domain
artist: unknown
source: link * Gallery: link * Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-31): link [link CC-BY-4.0]
credit: link Gallery: link Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-31): link CC-BY-4.0
Madonna and Child showing swaddling clothes but with arms and feet free.
General Collections
Keywords: swaddling; Abraham Bosse; neonatal care; donatello; Obstetrics; Child Welfare
license:CC BY 4.0
artist: Attributed to donatello
dimensions: Size unit=cm width=0.57 height=0.90
source: ARK-BNF|ark:/12148/bpt6k214939z/f68.image
credit: Bibliothèque nationale de France
license:Public domain
artist: unknown
source: own
description: Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari - St John the Baptist (donatello)
license:Public domain
date: circa 1896
medium: graphite
dimensions: overall: 48.3 x 33.1 cm (19 x 13 1/16 in.)
current location: Institution:National Gallery of Art
source: link Template:NGADC
credit: This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the National Gallery of Art. Please see the Gallery's Open Access Policy.