date: 19th century
medium: en Pigments on cloth
dimensions: w565 x h854 in
current location: Rubin Museum of Art
credit: AwG_HTwolANNbw at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level
description: buddha">Shakyamuni buddha with Avadana Legend Scenes
license:Public domain
artist: Odilon Redon
date: (1906 - 1907)
dimensions: w730 x h900 cm
current location: Musée d’Orsay, Paris
credit: ZwFlME0fczsdbA at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level
license:Public domain
date: between 618 and 907
source: from ''Le Musée absolu'', Phaidon, 10-2012
credit: from Le Musée absolu, Phaidon, 10-2012
description: Tradesmen, Tang dynasty, Bezeklik Thousand buddha Caves, China. Painted on south wall in cave #45, 0.64 x 1.14 m.
license:Public domain
date: mid-17th century
current location: Institution:Metropolitan Museum of Art
source: link [link direct link]
credit: link direct link
description: buddha Shakyamuni as Lord of the Munis. Western Tibet (Guge). Distemper on cloth, Image: 31 1/4 x 26 3/4 in. (79.4 x 67.9 cm). Framed: 41 x 33 in. (104.1 x 83.8 cm). buddha Shakyamuni holds a begging bowl and gestures to the earth to witness his awakening. His golden complexion evokes his transcendent nature, and the patchwork robe indicates his non-attachment. He meditates upon a radiating lotus and is attended by the adoring figures of the bodhisattvas Maitreya (holding a flask) and Manjushri (a sword). Shakyamuni’s status as a cosmic buddha is indicated by the rows of Buddhas that occupy the upper registers and the sixteen arhats that surround the lotus throne. In the lowest register are three seated monks flanked by the four guardian kings (lokapala). At lower left sits the officiating lama, likely the patron of this painting named in the inscription as Lobzang Dondrup. Stylistically, this western Tibetan work may be associated with Tsaparang, Tholing, and Tabo monasteries.
license:Public domain
artist: unknown
date: End of Edo period
medium: mld en=Carved wood, gilded and lacquered with traces of polychromy fr=Bois sculpté, doré et laqué avec traces de polychromie it=Legno intagliato, dorato e laccato con tracce di policromia
dimensions: Size unit=cm width= height=180 depth= diameter=
current location: Institution:Musée Georges Labit
source: own
license:Public domain
artist: unknown
date: Greco-Buddhist art 1st - 5th century
medium: mld en=w Mica Schist fr=wf Micaschiste it=wi Micascisto
dimensions: Size unit=cm width=16 height=27 depth= diameter=
current location: Institution:Musée Georges Labit
source: own
description: buddha (right side) with four characters
license:Public domain
artist: unknown
date: Greco-Buddhist art 3th century
medium: mld en=w Schist and stucco fr=wf schiste et stuc it=wi cisto e stucco
dimensions: Size unit=cm width= height=22 depth= diameter=
current location: Institution:Musée Georges Labit
source: own
license:Public domain
artist: unknown
date: Greco-Buddhist art Late 3rd - early 4th century.
medium: mld en=w Schist fr=wf schiste it=wi cisto
dimensions: Size unit=cm width= height=38 depth= diameter=
current location: Institution:Musée Georges Labit
source: own
license:Public domain
artist: unknown
date: 2nd century
medium: mld en=Bas-relief in Marmoreal Limestone fr=Bas-relief en Calcaire marmoréen it=Bassorilievo in calcare marmorea
current location: Institution:Musée Georges Labit
source: own
license:Public domain
artist: unknown
date: XIVth century
medium: Technique Bronze
current location: Institution:Musée Georges Labit
source: own
license:Public domain