• arnold bocklin - image 11

    title: Arnold Boecklin Island of the Dead, Third Version

    artist: arnold Böcklin

    date: 1883

    date QS:P571,+1883-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Technique Oil Wood

    dimensions: Size cm 80 150

    current location: Institution:Alte Nationalgalerie

    source: [link]

    credit: [1]

  • arnold bocklin - image 22

    title: Arnold Böcklin Venus Anadyomene - 1872.

    artist: arnold Böcklin

    date: circa 1870

    date QS:P571,+1870-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902

    medium: Oil on cardboard

    dimensions: size cm 59 48.2

    current location: city|Worms Museum Kunsthaus Heylshof

    source: repro from art book

    credit: Copied from an art book

  • arnold bocklin - image 33

    title: Arnold Böcklin Angela Böcklin

    artist: arnold Böcklin

    date: 1863

    date QS:P571,+1863-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Technique tempera and=wax wood

    dimensions: size cm 41 32

    current location: Institution:Alte Nationalgalerie

    source: own , [[User:Hajotthu]]

    credit: Own work, User:Hajotthu

  • arnold bocklin - image 44

    title: Arnold böcklin, orlando furioso, 1901, 01

    artist: arnold Böcklin

    date: 8 November 2011, 13:56:04

    source: own

    credit: Own work


    arnold böcklin, orlando furioso, 1901,

  • arnold bocklin - image 55

    title: 1875 Boecklin Sirenen anagoria

    artist: arnold Böcklin

    date: 1875

    date QS:P571,+1875-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Technique tempera canvas

    dimensions: Size cm 46 31

    current location: Institution:Alte Nationalgalerie

    source: own , [[user:anagoria|anagoria]]

    credit: Own work, anagoria

  • arnold bocklin - image 66

    title: Arnold Böcklin Beweinung unter dem Kreuz

    artist: arnold Böcklin

    date: 1876

    date QS:P571,+1876-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: Technique tempera wood

    dimensions: size cm 164 250

    current location: Institution:Alte Nationalgalerie

    source: [[User:Ophelia2|Ophelia2]]

    credit: Ophelia2

  • arnold bocklin - image 77

    title: Arnold Böcklin Der Krieg

    artist: arnold Böcklin

    date: 1896 Edit this at Wikidata

    current location: Institution:Galerie Neue Meister (Dresden)

    source: bridgemanart|173221

    credit: The Bridgeman Art Library, Object 173221

  • arnold bocklin - image 88

    title: Böcklin Der Ritt des Todes

    artist: arnold Böcklin

    date: 1871 Edit this at Wikidata

    current location: Institution:Schack-Galerie

    source: ''Die Gemälde-Galerie des Grafen A. F. von Schack in München. Mit begleitendem Text von Graf A. F. von Schack.'' Verlag Dr. E. Albert, München 1890; self scanned from own book

    credit: Die Gemälde-Galerie des Grafen A. F. von Schack in München. Mit begleitendem Text von Graf A. F. von Schack. Verlag Dr. E. Albert, München 1890; self scanned from own book

  • arnold bocklin - image 99

    title: Böcklin Arnold Landschaft@Nieders. Landesmuseum20170622

    artist: arnold Böcklin

    date: before 1846

    date QS:P571,+1846-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1326,+1846-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: technique painting

    current location: Institution:Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum

    source: photographer and uploader was [[:de:User:Hajotthu|Hajotthu]] at [link de.wikipedia]

    credit: photographer and uploader was Hajotthu at de.wikipedia

  • arnold bocklin - image 10

    title: Arnold Böcklin Der Einsiedler (1863)

    artist: arnold Böcklin

    date: circa 1863

    date QS:P571,+1863-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902

    current location: institution:Schack-Galerie

    source: Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Sammlung Schack München

    credit: Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Sammlung Schack München

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