• ancient egypt  - image 11

    title: Maler der Grabkammer der Nefertari 004


    Maler der Grabkammer der Nefertari

    date: circa 1298–1235 BCE

    medium: de 1=Wandbild

    dimensions: Size cm 120 83

    current location: de|1=Grabmal der Königin Nefertari de|1=Theben

    source: Yorck

    credit: The Yorck Project () 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei (DVD-ROM), distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. ISBN: 3936122202.

  • ancient egypt  - image 22

    title: Karnacs2


    David Roberts RA, artist and Haghe, Louis, 1806-1885, lithographer.

    date: Sketch dated 1838; published between 1846 and 1849

    source: Illus. in: egypt & Nubia / from drawings made on the spot by David Roberts ... ; lithographed by Louis Haghe. London : F.G. Moon, 1846-1849, v. 2, pt. 16. Library of Congress, Reproduction number LC-USZC4-3993 LOC-image|id=ppmsca.10482

    credit: This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division
    under the digital ID ppmsca.10482.
    This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information.

    description: Karnac: "Dromos or first court of the temple." colored lithograph of <a href="//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Karnak" title="Karnak">Karnaka>

  • ancient egypt  - image 33

    title: The Great Sphinx, Pyramids of Gizeh-1839) by David Roberts, RA

    artist: David Roberts

    date: 1838

    date QS:P571,+1838-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    source: SourceBergerCollection|154

    credit: Berger Collection: id #154 (Denver, Colorado)

    description: 19th century painting of <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/the_Sphinx_of_Giza" class="extiw" title="w:the Sphinx of Giza">Sphinx of Gizaa>, partly under sand, with two pyramids in the background.

  • ancient egypt  - image 44

    title: Le Jardin de Nébamoun


    date: circa 1380 BC

    date QS:P,-1380-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
     Edit this at Wikidata

    medium: Technique Painting plaster

    dimensions: Size cm 72 62

    current location: Institution:British Museum

    source: link

    credit: link

    description: <i>The Gardeni>, fresco from <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebamun" class="extiw" title="en:Nebamun">Nebamuna> tomb, originally in Thebes, <u style="background-color:yellow;" class="">egyptu>.

  • ancient egypt  - image 55

    title: The Pharaoh Tutankhamun destroying his enemies


    Unknown author

    date: circa 1327

    date QS:P571,+1327-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902

    source: From ''Le Musée absolu'', Phaidon, 10-2012

    credit: From Le Musée absolu, Phaidon, 10-2012

    description: The Pharaon Tutankhamun destroying his enemies. Painting on wood, length: 43 cm. Egyptian Museum of Cairo.

  • ancient egypt  - image 66

    title: Adorazione dei Magi by Gentile da Fabriano Predella


    date: 1423

    date QS:P571,+1423-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    medium: tempera on wood

    dimensions: Height: 32 cm (12.6 in). Width: 110 cm (43.3 in).

    current location: Institution:Uffizi Florence, Italy

    source: [[User:PetarM|Petar Milošević]]

    credit: Petar Milošević

  • ancient egypt  - image 77

    title: Funeral boat

    artist: unknown

    date: Middle kingdom of Egypt

    medium: mld en=Carved and painted wood fr=Bois sculpté et peint it=Legno intagliato e dipinto

    dimensions: Size unit=cm width=80 height=60 depth= diameter=

    current location: Institution:Musée Georges Labit

    source: own

  • ancient egypt  - image 88

    title: A couple and their child

    artist: unknown

    date: Reign of Thutmose IV

    medium: mld en=Limestone carved and painted fr=Calcaire sculpté et peint it=Calcare scolpito e dipinto

    dimensions: Size unit=cm width=80 height=60 depth= diameter=

    current location: Institution:Musée Georges Labit

    source: own

  • ancient egypt  - image 99

    title: Stele of Pa-di-Usir.

    artist: unknown

    date: Third Intermediate Period of Egypt (between New Kingdom and Late Period). Egypt. 7th - 6th century BC

    medium: mld en=Stucco and colors on wood fr=Stuc et couleurs sur bois it=Stucco e colori su legno

    dimensions: Size unit=cm width=80 height=60 depth= diameter=

    current location: Institution:Musée Georges Labit

    source: own

  • ancient egypt  - image 10

    title: The goddess Bastet

    artist: unknown

    date: Late Period, 665 - 330 BC.

    medium: Technique Bronze

    current location: Institution:Musée Georges Labit

    source: own

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